Every day a little better . . .

20130317Chloé currently drinks water with a straw – a little bit at a time. Tomorrow, they will start feeding her 15 ml of formula.

When sung to, she lifts her fingers and taps the rhythm. She also mumbles the words along.

Due to the tube still in her throat (which they use to medicate), she does not talk yet. And she’s a real chatterbox when she gets half a chance. I think she’s still not 100% awake yet. And of course, the anti-rejection medicine’s side effects also needs to be handled and coped with. Medicine that her small little body has never experienced before.

A whole process never experienced before, treading into unknown territory . . . it’s scary. Very.

One day at a time. Every day that passes is a win. Every day that comes is a hurdle.

Hold on Chloé, it will be better soon!!


PS: On Friday they split a donor liver to help two other patients on the transplant list! Good for you!!! Here’s hoping their recovery will be swift with this new lease on life.


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